Thursday, September 23, 2010

A post of great import

Dudes, we have so much to catch up on! Almost too much! The mere thought of it is a little overwhelming, and after walking about 500 miles today and eating a sandwich the size of my leg, I don't know that I'm up to the task. Which is why this was a really good time to sit down and write an update. 

So instead of talking about stuff that actually matters, I am going to dedicate a good bit of this post to talking about McDonald's, which I suppose in it's own way matters, but that is a discussion for another time (never). 

First I would like to say that it's been a long, long time since I've paid a visit to the yellow arches. Like... maybe two years. Probably more. And I'm not one of those people who come to Europe and eat like, one small pastry every day because it's the only thing they're familiar with, or they're too scared to eat anything else. I mean, I ate the head off a fully fried little fish the other day, I think I'm game. And, really, what would YOU do if you found out McDonald's offered enormous cups of beer on tap? That's right, you would go there immediately for a novelty lunch, order some meat and bread concoction, and look around at the weird mixture of Europeans in the cafe-style seating area, laughing with their mouths open so you can kind of see bits of chewed up burger and fries on their tongues. And, of course, when not giggling hysterically at your friend, you would sip your enormous cup of beer through the yellow and red straw provided to you. At absolutely no time would you think, "Wow, this feels like I'm back in the US!"

That's kind of how a lot of things go here. You think it's one way, but it turns out to be way different than you would ever expect.
I have lots more to say on this, but for now, a little siesta.


  1. if you can eat a sandwich the size of your leg i rather think that proves you are up to the task, any and every task (unless of course the task is eating a sandwich that is the size of your entire body or larger). so...well done. I dont really care about spain, more about sandwiches please!


    rooms (katie)

  2. hehehe
    can we go to mcdonalds when i visit you and drink beer through straws????!!!! it just sounds so beautiful!

  3. haha yeah the sandwiches are really the only reason i came here. and it's actually all i do, is sit around eating them. i mean, it just makes sense.

    sarah, OF COURSE and it indeed will be beautiful!
    xoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxox to ya girrrls
