I just watched Mac drive down the street. Probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, watching him leave and knowing it's going to be four months before he's tangible again. Sitting on the couch, I try to kid myself into thinking he's just in the other room, or that he went to work and will be home in a few hours. It's not really working.
This summer has been amazing. I've met so many new people and grown very close to some brilliant and vibrant individuals, I've gotten to know San Antonio better than ever, and have had more fun than most summers can shake a stick at. And yet I find that I am ready for change. Something new. A new place, new foods, new language, new streets. The possibility terrifies and intrigues me, and now that saying goodbye to Mac and my adopted brothers, Eric and Scott is over, I feel like I can fully look forward to the future.
Knowing (and yet completely not knowing) what's in store for me is exciting, and I'm up for the challenge. And knowing what an awesome place I'm leaving, the upcoming months will be exactly that-- a challenge.
I'll keep you guys posted.
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